I didn’t mean to steal it, I told my friends.
It just found its way into my suitcase, the splash of orange barely visible when surrounded by my muddied shirts and socks.
I would never take her shirt! I proclaimed, righteous indignation swelling up within my thirteen-year old body.
Stephanie’s orange tank top, the one that looked so cute on her toned, tanned body now resided on my shoulders. I didn’t think I much resembled Stephanie in it, with the blare of the orange sorely mismatched with my pale skin and large blue glasses. It was a few weeks after camp, and we had all gathered together again to celebrate Becky’s fourteenth birthday. I had chosen to wear the orange tank top because as far as I was concerned, it was new. Four weeks earlier, I had not known that tank top existed in the world. It had thick fabric, with a cling. You knew that it would never lose its shape, no matter how many washings it cycled through. The neckline was my favorite part. A slight dip at the collar bone made me feel bold and daring; aware that there was something to revealing this part of me, but not yet knowing just what it was.
I had known that the tank top would match perfectly with my navy blue shorts from the first time I had seen it on Stephanie. She had breezed into our cabin, the flowery scent of her perfume slightly masking the odor of mud and sunscreen. She had waggled her fingers at us and smiled hugely, her short blonde bob mimicking the curve of her grin.
I hated her then.
She had arrived with a gaggle of girlfriends, each one equally blonde and smiley. It was clear though, that Stephanie was the leader. I and my other three friends looked on, suddenly shamed in our Limited Too sweatshirts and spandex shorts. I raised a hand to my head and felt the frizzy, dishwater blonde hair practically leap into my fingers. She caught my eye and smiled, a certain sympathy seeming to be reflected towards me. Of course I smiled back.
Stephanie and friends had arrived a day later than my friends and I, and there had already been a few potential love interests spotted amongst the camp crowd. Becky and I had scanned the perimeters, our eyes assessing each and every male within a mile. It didn’t matter that none were really looking our way; I could hardly blame them. We were a motley crew of glasses and scraped up legs, with all sorts of colors reflecting off of our braces. It was surprising enough that we had found one another; trying to find a boyfriend was sheer wishful thinking.
That’s why when Zach from Indiana walked up and said hi, I could barely stop myself from falling into uncontrollable giggles. When Zach followed me to lunch and sat at my table, I could barely touch any of the sloppy joe on my plate.
“What if he asks me to the dance on Friday?” I excitedly whispered to Becky as we refilled our sodas.
We silently squealed and half-bounced back to our seats, my own mind running wild with the possibility of Zach giving me my very first kiss.
That was before Stephanie had arrived.
She had been in our cabin for barely an hour before she had sidled up and proceeded to win us over with her Midwestern charm.
“You guys are just the cutest! I love that sweatshirt you’ve got on, I’m sorry…is it Noelle? It’s so cute on you!”
We ate up her shit until it was pouring out of our throats and steaming out of our ears. Before the end of the afternoon, Stephanie and her crew had managed to teach us the lyrics to Nelly and had each one of us confessing who we liked at camp.
“His name is Zach and he’s from Indiana. He has sort of spiky hair, he was hanging out with this tall kid…I don’t remember his name. But we ate lunch together and he said ‘see you at the rally tonight’!”
The harder she smiled and nodded, the faster I spilled out the details. I was possessed by an insatiable desire to please Stephanie-- to make her think that I was the kind of girl that boys would decide to like at summer camp, the kind of girl who would enter a room smelling of flowers and sticky, sweet lipgloss.
I thought that I had done the right thing, or at least had begun the process of having this girl think that I was:
a. Cool
b. Pretty
c. Popular
d. Vapid
e. All of the above.
I was satisfied with myself the next day-- had even gooped gel into my thick bob that morning. But a good fat nothing it got me when I saw Stephanie and Zach waltzing into the cafeteria, his spiky blonde hair perfectly erect next to her bouncing yellow mane.
My initial thought was something along the lines “fuck you” surrounded by a cloud of utter disbelief.
I had seen some of the teen movies where the pretty girls had manipulated and calculated their way into the heartthrob’s life. I had heard of how mean girls could be, but until I saw Stephanie with Zach, I hadn’t believed it.
I was going to let this bitch do a makeover on me! I outraged inwardly.
It was brushed aside back in the cabin, even though a certain coolness had settled amongst the bunk beds.
“Oh, that’s Zach?!” she had asked flippantly. “I thought there must have been at least ten different Zachs here!”
While I sat sulking between Becky and Noelle at the ice cream social, Stephanie and Zach swallowed spoonfuls of whipped cream and threw rainbow sprinkles at one another. I watched them stand in line together for the slip and slide and I pretended not to hear when they quietly giggled as I limped past them afterwards, broken bits of twigs and rocks sticking out of my bloodied calf. I watched them sit at the dance together and swore, even as I accidentally spilled soda all over my dress, that I would never trust a girl, a Stephanie, a bitch, like that again.
Extracting revenge hadn’t been hard at the end. The opportunity had come so quickly, so easily that I almost couldn’t believe my good luck. It was our last morning and I was hurriedly packing, blatantly mixing dirty clothes with clean just in order to get outside for a few minutes before our bus pulled up to leave. The pile of clothes next to me wasn’t mine, and I had barely glanced at it until I saw a gleam of orange somewhere near the bottom. With a quick look around, I plunged my hand into the pile and like a toy chest claw, retracted what I desired and deposited it into my suitcase, not daring to look to see if I had snatched the right article of clothing. I didn’t dare try again.
After a restless six hour bus ride home and in the safety of my bedroom later that night, I gingerly lifted Stephanie’s orange tank top from the bed of my soiled clothes. I had stolen her beloved orange shirt, the one that had matched her navy shorts so perfectly, and held it up to myself in the mirror. Through my finger-smudged glasses, I could see it already clinging to my body. I couldn’t help but smile as I lifted it to my face and inhaled the flowery scent.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
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